My heart is exploding with joy. One of my top favorite bands is back with a new album Life Is Elsewhere out now in the UK, and out in the US in August!!!
I’ve been following Little Comets since 2010, their debut album In Search Of The Elusive Little Comets was one I played over and over, introducing every friend and new friend I had and made to their music. Their vocal harmonies are breathtaking, their instrumentals exciting, and their storytelling lyrics smart and inspiring. I was lucky enough to see them live (a couple of times!) at SXSW and meet them, and their personalities matched how gorgeous the music they make is. This acoustic taste of their new album, “Woman Woman” makes waiting for August seem like torture. I hope they release the album on vinyl because I feel like it will be one your children/grandchildren will find one day and be floored by. I can’t wait to hear more new music from them and you know I will post it for you as soon as I do.
xx Cher